Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year--Just Do It!

Every year people make New Year's resolutions. I think it's a bunch of bull--if you really wanted to do it, you would just do it. We resolve to lose weight, eat better, start a business, stop cussing...what else?? Why don't we just do it instead of talking about it?

I am so guilty, not just of the resolution thing, but in general. I always tell people these wonderful ideas that I have and I NEVER follow through, I just talk about it. I heard a man say that he never talks about what he's gonna do, only what he's already done. So, maybe that should be my resolution, oops, there I go, talking about something I'm gonna do, but probably won't do, because all I do is talk.

I have been talking about starting a non-profit for more than 8 years now. When I recently became liberated from a job that I hated (and by the way, I never talked about quitting, really, I just kind of did it) I was so excited about starting my non-profit. I told anybody who would listen that I was about to start this non-profit. I talked about it with such passion and love, but it has been about 8 months and I haven't done a thing. I make so many excuses, "I need the money to file the 501c (3) non-profit application"; "I need to find a board of directors"; "I have to cook dinner".

Before the non-profit I wanted to open a consignment store (which I still want to do), a laundromat, spa, you name it. And actually had business plans for each of them. I never actually did anything with them, just looked at them every now and then, marveling at how brilliant I was. I was all talk (or write) and no action. Maybe writing the business plan was the first actual "action", but it was only followed by talk and fear.

Fear may be the root of all the talk and no action. We are really afraid that if we actually start something, then we will have to DO something. If we do something we will be held accountable. If we are accountable, we will fail, or even more frightening, succeed. It seems insane that one would be afraid of success, but I believe that may be the greatest fear: "to whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48). There is a great burden on the successful. If you are successful in your dieting you have to continue to eat right and exercise; if your business is successful you have to work harder to insure it's ongoing gains; if your stop cussing campaign is going well, you can't cuss the lady out at the fast food place.....and we know how hard that can be.

It is so hard for me to not share the ideas that I have, but I have made a serious effort to not talk about things until they are done. I said "effort", I just told somebody yesterday something I was gonna DO if I didn't get a job by February!!

So let's stop playing these games and just do the dog on thing!! Whatever it is.